Black Coral Divers (BCD) has reserved 10 spaces to dive the flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.
This is a 3-Day weekday (Monday-Wednesday) trip.
COST: $900.00 Air | Nitrox an additional $95.00
Deposit: $300.00 to reserve your space Due: April 15, 2022
Full Payment Due: June 15, 2022
The average depth of Flower Garden dives begin at approx. 70-80 ft.
The absolute maximum depth allowed on any dive is 130 fsw.
Therefore, divers will need minimal AOW certification.
Contact Jimi Mack gemack8@gmail.com or 972 978-0358
Please join us on Thursday, February 17 at 7 PM CST as our very own Joseph Lewis presents BCD’s history to the National Association of Black Scuba Divers.
The event will be held via zoom.
Thursday, February 17 at 7pm CST. Click below for access to the link.
Recap from the 2021 Aqua Boogie
The black coral is exotic, dramatic and believed to guard against misfortune. It can take up to fifty years to grow at depths that exceed 200 feet and can live for 300 years. It's the gemstone for Hawaii. It's rare and when polished it shines with rich luster.
Membership is diverse and open for anyone to join.
BCD is a Charter Club of the National Association of Black Scuba Divers (NABS)
BCD was founded in 1994, in Dallas, Texas
*Provide fellowship
*Promote scuba diving
*Promote conservation awareness
*Promote open water experiences
*Promote Scuba dive trips
*Promote exploration of career opportunities in maritime studies
The Black Coral Divers is partnering with BDR Events and Tours Invite you to join them for a Discover Scuba Diving Adventure Class!
WHEN: March 28, 2020
TIME: 2 PM - 5:30 PM
COST: $35.00 pp
WHERE: International Scuba Dive Shop
2540 Marsh Lane, Suite 128
Carrollton, Texas 75006
Jimi Mack @gemack8@gmail.com
Eric McNairye @ mcnairye@yahoo.com
for more information
APRIL 23-28, 2020
www.bdreventsandtours.com has partnered with The Black Coral Divers Dallas and INVITE YOU, Divers and Non-Divers to join the
Are you ready for the most LIT AF Beach Party and SCUBA Vacation of 2020? Join us as we take the party to Curacao is one of the most beautiful islands of the ABC chain of southern Caribbean islands.
Diving brothers and sisters will have the opportunity to explore some of the most incredible dive sites in the Southern Caribbean Islands.
This SCUBA diving vacation is open to certified divers, those wishing to learn to dive, as well as non-divers. If it is your desire to become a certified diver we have PADI certified SCUBA instructors in our organization as well as access to resort dive operators resources to assist you. All participants are required to sign a release of liability statement understanding SCUBA is at your own risks and is not required on this vacation.
June 8, 2020
World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future. This site serves as a central coordinating platform for World Oceans Day, with free resources and ideas for everyone – no matter where you live – to help expand the reach and impact of World Oceans Day on June 8 and year-round. http://www.worldoceansday.org/annual-the
The Black Coral Divers is Celebrating the 25th Anniversary in December. That's a reason to celebrate! Celebrating achievements, growth and friendships. You are invited to JOIN the BCD Clan to help celebrate our incredible milestone as we look forward to many more years of sharing our sport with the community and beyond.
DATE: December 6, 2019 @ 7:00 PM
WHERE: St. Martin's Wine Bistro
3020 Greenville Ave
Dallas, Texas 75206
For more info and RSV Contact: Chris Powell @ 214 435-6972
COST: $60 per person
Guest Speaker: Mr. Kamau Sadiki
**Outgoing President of NABS and **Lead Instructor with Diving With a Purpose
"Return to the Motherland"
The NABS 29th Annual Summit, will meet in
Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt, Nov 2-12, 2019. There is limited space left. So, you are highly encouraged to register early! The summit registration packet can be found on the NABS website, www.nabsdivers.org.
Two expeditions of trained scientists and volunteer divers will travel to the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary on
June 9-13, 2019 and August 25-29, 2019, to conduct research and collect the invasive lionfish. Additional objectives are to reduce the impact of the lionfish on reef habitats and native fish populations, assess effectiveness of diver removal efforts and increase public awareness.
For further information contact:
Michelle Johnston at www.michelle.a.johnston@noaa.gov.
More information can also be found on www.texaslionfish.org website.
National Association of Black Scuba Divers Youth Education Summit In Roatan 2016. visit the www.nabsyes.org website.
The Black Coral Divers provide fellowship for all divers regardless of race, color, gender, handicap, or diving affiliation.